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About Shivananda

In these times of great global changes Shivananda BRINGS LIGHT beyond the veil, a cosmic resonance to ascend into the Fifth Dimension.
His mission is to lightly guide each Soul to find truth, peace and unconditional love, giving a unique and special experience to each one through their own Consciousness, in harmony with all Creation.

Shivananda says:
"When you live with COSMIC LOVE you manifest your realization."

Shivananda, through his powerful Darshan, opens the way of healing, accelerating the karmic process and freeing from the implants that block the spiritual evolution.

Shivananda describes his Darshan like this:

You see my eyes penetrating your heart like a ray of cosmic light and healing your wounds; sometimes it hurts a lot and brings tears, but those tears are tears that create Love.
My Love shows you the Way and how great it is, right at this time when there is a need for my gaze connected to the divine Love.


Private sessions with Shivananda

Join Shivananda for 1 hour private, online healing session today!
This individualized space offers purification, expansion, activation and a divine Darshan.
Click the link below for more informations and to schedule your session today.



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Shivananda's Messages:


Every one of you is your own Guru.
This is the first task and understanding of those, who choose a Guru, to recognize their inner voice and align their whole personality with the soul, by nullifying and transforming the dual nature of individuality and developing discernment in the Heart.


Remove the implants that separate you from your soul and your soul from the Spirit, so that duality is transcended for the collective unity.

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Associazione Shivananda Ashram City Of The New Light APS-ASD

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